25 Oct

The other week at work we had a patient that was quite grumpy with the staff.  Not just certain nurses or CNA’s but phelbotomists, techs, and even the doctors who were keeping him alive.  I wondered why someone would get so angry and upset with us when all we were trying to do was help him back on his feet.  He made nurses cry and for me I was told to stay out-of-the-way, unless he needed something.  We were only “allowed” in his room at certain times and had to do things in such a certain way.  It made all of us quite frustrated.

As I was going over my school readings I came across Kubler-Ross’s stages of grief.  First is denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.  This cycle of grief is cyclic and may possibly reoccur multiple times in a persons life.  I came to understand that this man was probably going through the anger phase of grief with his new surgery and how his life had completely changed. I am starting to realize as a student nurse a lot of nursing is not just dealing with the medical treatment of things.  There is so much more to nursing than I ever realized.  There is a whole psycho-cognitive aspect to it which is a whole other reality and concept and there is an expanse of emotions that must be dealt with.  I am glad I am learning little by little this crazy life of nursing. I still want to do it I know it is where I belong.

Hello world!

21 Oct

Here I am!  To tell you the truth I am a little nervous about starting this whole blogging thing.  I want to share my thoughts and feelings about myself,  job and career as a Nurse. I might be a little slow at the whole posting thing so bear with me.  If you are interested in all the fascinating stories of a nurse well….  CNA and nursing student then this is the blog to follow.